
AutoForm-ProcessExplorerplus allows for rapid and easy simulation setup and evaluation of the most important result variables relevant to the forming process calculated by AutoForm-Solverplus. Process planners and process engineers can easily define and evaluate in detail a manufacturing process intended for the sheet metal part production.
Efficient simulation setup with AutoForm-ProcessExplorerplus is provided by an easy to understand workflow-based navigation concept. It allows for the definition of all relevant process and simulation parameters so that the engineering workflow can be fully and authentically mapped into the simulation data. 


With AutoForm-ProcessExplorerplus, interpreting results can be carried out quickly and easily. Semi-automatic issue identification facilitates and speeds up the identification of stamping issues as well the types of issues and their locations. The user is led frame-by-frame to critical areas that require attention and thereby prevents any possible misinterpretations or oversights. Users can then track the progression of identified issues and quickly compare them by using synchronized multi-design views. 

In addition, the software allows for draw-in evaluation by measuring the distance between the original blank boundary curve and the boundary curve of the drawn-in part, which leads to optimized material utilization.

The stamping process affects the surface appearance and thus influences surface quality. AutoForm-ProcessExplorerplus enables easy visualization of surface imperfections by digital stoning method. This method emulates the back and forth scratching of a stone block on a stamped outer panel.

AutoForm-ProcessExplorerplus fully supports the usage and management of company standards. The software also notifies the user of any deviations from the standard and thus ensures that work undertaken is consistent and in compliance with the defined norms and standards.

Make it

Benefits & Features

  • Efficient simulation setup

    Fully and authentically mapped engineering workflow into the simulation data

    Easy and fast issue identification and interpretation

    Rapid assessment of process feasibility

    Improved forming behavior of a stamped part

  • Easy to understand workflow-based navigation concept

    Semi-automatic results evaluation

    Effective usage and management of company standards

    Draw-in evaluation

    Easy visualization of surface imperfections – digital stoning


Software for Rapid Die Face Generation during Process Engineering 

AutoForm-DieDesignerplus enables feasibility engineers, process planners and tool makers to rapidly create alternative die face designs for the complete sheet metal forming process. The selected die face design is used to automatically generate the tools required for tryout simulations with AutoForm-Solverplus and is then followed by a results evaluation with AutoForm-ProcessExplorerplus.

AutoForm-DieDesignerplus is mainly used in the process engineering phase to rapidly generate die face designs for deep drawing tools. Its clear and logical structure enables users to work step-by-step, from the import of CAD part geometry to the complete die face design. These steps include filleting of sharp edges, easy part radii modifications, determination of tip-angle, filling of holes, part modifications, binder and addendum (outer and inner) design, over-crowning, design of the fill surface between double-attached parts, wiper and form tools, development of flanges and evaluation of trim angles.

With AutoForm-DieDesignerplus the user has in-depth understanding and can validate the process layout as well as sheet behavior during multiple operations. These operations include not only deep drawing, but also all subsequent forming and trimming steps. As a result, process planners can generate multiple, alternative tooling concepts in a short amount of time as well as select the best one with regard to function, quality, time and cost requirements.

Precise geometry modeling in AutoForm-DieDesignerplus is achieved through morphing technology. By modifying wall angles, unfolding part areas and performing in-plane modification of part details while keeping the regions outside of the morphing untouched, the user can easily evaluate the best tooling concept and optimize the process.

AutoForm-DieDesignerplus is based on a fully associatively linked model of the entire die layout, which allows the user to easily modify intermediate operations as well as the final part geometry. When such modifications are made, the tooling geometries of all operations and the input for tryout simulation are automatically and instantly updated. As soon as an optimal die face design is determined, surfaces can be exported and processed further in any CAD system.

Since tooling of the entire forming process is easily and consistently defined, AutoForm-DieDesignerplus significantly improves tool quality and reduces development time in the early phase of process engineering.

Benefits & Features

  • Easy and rapid generation of die faces, including part modifications

    Rapid evaluation of multiple, alternative process concepts

    Efficient selection of the best tooling concept with regard to feasibility, quality and cost requirements

    Considerable reduction of development time during process engineering

    Easy in-depth understanding and validation of the process layout as well as sheet behavior during multiple operations

    Immediate tryout simulations with automatic updating of tools

    (in combination with AutoForm-Solverplus / AutoForm-ProcessExplorerplus)

  • Easy generation of parametrized geometric die face model

    Clear and logical structure enables users to work step-by-step, from the import of CAD part geometry to the complete die face design

    Easy creation of addendum on the basis of specially adapted profiles

    Automatic development of flanges on the addendum surface

    Precise geometry modeling through morphing technology

Software for Simulation of Stamping Processes 

AutoForm-Solverplus enables rapid and accurate simulation of the entire stamping process including drawing and secondary operations as well as springback. The simulation of stamping processes by AutoForm-Solverplus combined with the results evaluation by AutoForm-ProcessExplorerplus provide the user with all the necessary information to design the process. AutoForm-Solverplus simulates line and progressive die stamping as well as hemming processes.

AutoForm-Solverplus brings innovative features and benefits

  • Simulation of line and progressive die stamping as well as hemming processes

  • Rapid and accurate simulation of deep drawing, restriking, trimming and flanging operations

  • Accurate springback simulation

  • Deep insight into all operations of the stamping process

  • Rapid verification of multiple new concepts for quality and cost improvements

  • Reduced computing time by taking advantage of SMP or MPP

Software for Automatic Determination of Optimum Trim Line and Blank Outline 

AutoForm-Trimplus in combination with AutoForm-Solverplus is an essential tool for the determination of blank outlines and for the tryout of trimming dies used to find the optimum trim line. The software enables users to design trimming tools simultaneously with the draw die.

The figure illustrates: Drawn part with trim line; Trimmed part; Restricken part with the desired part boundary (yellow) and trim line before initial AutoForm-Trimplus iteration (gray); Restricken part with the desired part boundary and trim line after final AutoForm-Trimplus iteration.
Optimum trim line is necessary for multi-operation stamping process. The trim line is optimized to ensure that the desired shape and dimensions of the part boundary are obtained at the end of those operations which follow the trimming operation. AutoForm-Trimplus automatically adjusts the trim line to remove or add sheet metal until the desired part boundary is achieved.

Optimum blank outline is necessary for near-net-shape manufacturing (crash forming). The blank outline is optimized to ensure that the desired shape and dimensions of the part boundary are obtained at the end of the crash forming process. The advantage of AutoForm-Trimplus over an inverse one-step simulation, which can also be used to find the blank outline, is the consideration of not only one, but several forming steps and results in much greater accuracy.
The main benefits of AutoFo

Features & Benefits of AutoForm-Trimplus

  • Rapidly determines the optimum trim line and blank outline

    Saves time and costs by allowing the trim die to be developed simultaneously with the draw die, thus enabling concurrent engineering

    Shortens the design cycle for the complete tool set

    Reduces laser-trim tryout time for complex parts – typically saving several days

  • Automatically determines the blank outline for near-net-shape manufacturing (crash forming)

    Automatically calculates multiple blank outlines (e.g. when there are several target boundaries in the form of hole contours or inner cut contours in the blank)

    Calculates customer-specified (local) segments of the blank or cut outline

    Simultaneously determines all cut-out lines for several cutting operations, during one trim tryout


AutoForm-Compensatorplus allows users to automatically modify tooling surfaces based on precise springback calculation. Engineers can easily define compensation regions, which the software automatically adjusts using the springback results. The compensated geometry is then used for rapid and accurate tooling validation.

The die faces are compensated in the opposite direction of springback. Either the entire tooling surface or selected regions may be modified. Different regions can be defined within the tool: direct, which is compensated directly; fixed, which remains unchanged; and fixed draft, which serves as a constrained compensation region for wiper flanges
and draw walls. Defining these different regions allows engineers to systematically control compensation.

The compensated tooling geometry is automatically used as input for the next simulation. Final part geometry within the required tolerances is achieved with a minimum of correction loops. The engineer’s work is therefore reduced to a minimum.

Springback compensation is carried out during the tool development phase to improve part and tool quality before the real tryout phase begins. This procedure results in improved planning reliability in die development, tool shop and tryout. The risk of later, costly changes to tooling or process is thereby minimized. The application of AutoForm-Compensatorplus substantially reduces time and cost in engineering and tryout.

Features & Benefits of AutoForm-Compensatorplus

  • Substantially reduces time and cost in engineering and tryout

    Improves planning reliability in die development, tool shop and tryout

    Significantly reduces the number of correction loops

    Minimizes the risk of later costly changes to tooling or process due to springback effects

    Increases part and tool quality

  • User-defined compensation regions –

    either the entire tooling surface or selected regions may be modified

    Support for both free and clamped springback

    Automatic adjustment of tool geometry